TCPR comments on TVA chief's massive pay hike

November 21, 2010 2:09PM

The Chattanooga Times Free Press interviews Tennessee Center for Policy Research president Justin Owen after it is revealed that the CEO of the Tennessee Valley Authority will receive a substantial pay increase.

“At a time when taxpayers and TVA ratepayers are struggling to make ends meet, it’s offensive that this government agency would heap such a massive pay increase on its top executive,” said Justin Owen, president of the Tennessee Center for Policy Research, a taxpayer advocacy group in Nashville. “This represents government largesse more than reasonable compensation.”

Read the entire article here. The story was also picked up by the Associated Press and appeared in the Tennessean, Blount County Daily Times, the San Francisco Examiner, the Biloxi Sun Herald, the Ventura County (California) Star, the and the Lafayette (Indiana) Journal & Courier.