July 30: Viewing of “Flunked”

July 27, 2010 5:02PM

In honor of the Friedman Legacy for Freedom Day

The Tennessee Center for Policy Research

invites you to attend

a viewing of “Flunked”

a movie about the state of America’s education system (

Lunch will be served for those who RSVP (space is limited).

Noon – 1:00 pm

Friday, July 30th

The office of TCPR

200 4th Avenue, Suite 625

Nashville, TN  37219

Each year, the birthday of Dr. Milton Friedman is honored with an event that celebrates his impact on free markets, individual liberty, and educational freedom. Last year, there were fifty events in four countries, including Canada, Ecuador and Hong Kong, and in nearly every state and the District of Columbia, all honoring the life and legacy of Dr. Friedman.

R.S.V.P. to Suzanne Michel

615-383-6431 or by

Thursday, July 27th