WATCH: Making Tennessee a Business-Friendly State
What is it going to take to make Tennessee the most business-friendly state in the country? Jason Schmitt, CEO of Old Time Pottery, gives his thoughts.
What is it going to take to make Tennessee the most business-friendly state in the country? Jason Schmitt, CEO of Old Time Pottery, gives his thoughts.
If Tennessee is going to remain the best state to do business in, it’s time for the next big tax cut.
Tennessee policymakers should keep note of the trends at vocational schools and see the value of these programs, not simply for earnings and...
Have you ever put on a jacket or pair of pants and found a $20 bill in the pocket? Or got to the end of the month and realized you have more...
As a state experiencing significant in-migration, it's crucial to welcome new additions to our workforce without imposing unnecessary barrie...
Today’s Supreme Court decision overturns Chevron and returns the task of interpreting laws to the courts. That’s a great thing for liberty.
This year is an opportunity to put the pedal to the metal and continue our trend of regulatory reform.
The Biden Administration recently issued an Overtime Rule that would reclassify some 4.3 million salaried workers and make them eligible for...
To further enhance Tennessee's economy, lawmakers should look at implementing additional tax reforms.