Beacon Case Forces Alarm Board to Reverse Decision


August 30, 2018 9:11AM

In a recent 3-2 decision, the board overseeing alarm system licensing in Tennessee reversed its previous decision to classify Beacon Center client Adam Jackson’s product as an alarm system, which requires a license. Unfortunately, the board’s initial incorrect interpretation of Mr. Jackson’s business cost him a year of business, which is an eternity in the tech industry. The Tennessee Alarm Systems Contractors Board originally prohibited Adam from selling or even donating his groundbreaking facial recognition software that could save lives, specifically in schools and churches.

While we are happy with the decision by the Alarm System Board, it is important to remember that because of the board’s previous incorrect decision to label his product as an alarm system, our client Adam Jackson was unable to make money on his product for a full year. If it wasn’t for our case and the negative media attention brought on the board, Adam would still be unable to sell his software.

This is not just about Adam. The system itself is broken, and we need systemic change. Tennesseans should receive answers from these boards in a timely manner, and these decisions should never be conflicting or confusing. It is absolutely unacceptable that Adam had to wait more than a year to find out what was obvious – that his software is not an alarm system. The process has rendered irreparable damage to Adam’s dream and livelihood, and we will work to ensure that doesn’t happen to anyone else in the future.

Adam Jackson, the client in the case, thanked the Beacon Center for its help. “Without the Beacon Center representing me at no cost, I would not have been able to continue doing what I love for a living by serving people in my community. It is absolutely unconscionable that the alarm board cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars in contracts and also cost churches, security companies, and major music artists peace of mind from using my product.”

To read Adam Jackson’s full story, click here.
